Friday, June 18, 2010

All the World's A Stage.... and someone had to build it!

TSF Painters are fierce! Amy, Shelley and Oneida take the time to intimidate the carpenters while working on a backdrop for As You Like It.

 As the avid TSF fan may know, all of the season’s sets are crafted by three teams: carpenters, painters, and properties. This year’s teams have been working exceptionally hard, but still have a lot to go. The carpenters arrived an entire week before the rest of the company to get a jump start on their job. Now they spend all of their days sweating in the East Texas heat. Once the carpenters build the walls, trees, rocks, and wide assortment of platforms necessary for this season’s productions the painters take over adding realistic touches. A primary element to every production is the floor. This one element helps transform the entire space, and it is the scenic painters’ responsibility to complete each floor. Backstage was quite abuzz these past few weeks as the carpenters and painters waited on a large delivery of masonite. Finally, the needed supplies arrived and work continued!

Carpenters: Bjorn Falk, Matt Jones, Justen Locke, Sarah Schniepp, Justin Tipton, & Chris Wyatt
Painters: Oneida San Juan, Shellene Seiffert, & Amy Shimko

Matt regains his strength with a tasty apple during break.

Amy manages to have fun in the heat--all she needs is sunscreen and sunglasses!

Justen meticulously pieces everything together.

Safety first at TSF! Good job, Sarah.

Shelley always has a smile---even when setting up floor pieces outside.

Bjorn and Chris take a moment to process their next project--

Oneida protects her back while painting a platform--- paint tools save lives!

 Justin and Sarah enjoy the air conditioning and use of the empty stage.

Next time we will look into the worlds of costumes and properties!

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