Friday, June 25, 2010

All the World's A Stage.... and someone had to stitch it together!

Anthony expresses his patriotism while sewing!

Our work is never done at the Texas Shakespeare Festival!  There is always something more to do--just ask our Properties and Costume Departments.  Each show is unique and requires special elements.  Props artisans and costumers are able to reuse some things from TSF storage (we have collected several things over the years), but there is always something that we have never needed before that must be newly created. 

Like the other departments, costumers and props artisans work three shifts a day in order to make sure everything comes together before opening night. We couldn't do it without them! 

In the Costume Department we have: 

Emma Cullimore, Lee Dumas, Caitlin Johnson, Julia Kosanovich, Anthony Paul-Cavaretta, Stephanie Shaw, Caroline Spitzer, Tiffany Towns, and Courtney Wood.

Representing Props we have: 

 Damien Charkiewicz, Katrina Miller, and Ronnie Wells.

Caitlin always makes time for a smile in the costume shop!
Julia keeps her focus and always makes deadlines.
Even the props shop is stitching today--- Katrina busies herself with burlap sacks for Two By Two.  
Designers get in on the action, "two." Steve works away on his designs for Two By Two and Two Gentlemen of Verona.
It's time for final touches! Stephanie makes everything look beautiful. 
Tiffany makes sure everyone looks great from head to TOE.
Sometimes thread just isn't enough! Damien uses a staple gun to secure pleats on these fashionable footstools.
Costumers use tools, too! Caroline cuts wire to create earthy headpieces.
Hello, there! Courtney peaks around a rack of costumes while steaming. 
Emma focuses while working on a very detailed piece. Love is in the details, after all.
All's well in the props shop as Alan, director of Two by Two, pops in to visit the head of props, Ronnie.
Then again, Ronnie better make sure he gets Alan two of EVERY animal for the arc...
"V" is for Very extraordinary sewing by Lee. Of course, "V" may also stand for Verona on occasion....

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