Sunday, June 13, 2010

Welcome to Texas Shakespeare Festival 25th Season

Located in East Texas, in the little town of Kilgore, this professional theater has brought arts, entertainment and education to the area since 1986. Founded by Raymond Caldwell, the festival has grown each year, performing a wide variety of classics, contemporary plays and musicals. The festival has performed over 977 performances for more than one hundred and sixty-six thousand people.

(stage manger & assistant stage manger Siobhan Ruance
and Katie Chance and actor Luke Eddy)

With actors and artists from all over the US and two foreign countries contributing to the work this season it promises to be wonderful celebration of 25 years of incredible theater.

(Julia Kosanovich and Stephanie Shaw in the costume shop)

(Shellen Seifert, Amy Shimko and Oneida San Juan paint crew working on floors in Texas heat)

We hope you will join us at for insights and interviews from the actors, designers and directors behind this season.

(2010 TSF Company, not pictured company manager John Dodd, much to his happiness)

Performing in Repertory all shows take place in the Van Cliburn Auditorium located on the Kilgore College campus. This season promises to be a light-hearted treat for the whole family, with the selection of all comedies to delight our audiences.

The shows open July 1st and run through August 1st.

Our season opens with William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, one of the Bard’s most beloved romances. With sparkling wit and passionate characters, it promises to be a charming treat. Directed by Jack Young a returning artist, who has staged Julius Caesar ('08) and Amadeus ('07) for TSF.

William Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona is back at the festival by popular demand! This romantic comedy has been adapted to include a torch singer and three-piece jazz combo onstage performing music from the 1930’s. Two Gentlemen of Verona is directed by Gregg Brevoort a returning artist, who staged Coriolanus ('06) for TSF.

The Learned Ladies by Moliere, the most beloved classical playwright of France is a fast-moving caper that takes a comic look at intellectual pretension and love. Set in the early 1900’s NYC, this show is directed by Brendon Fox, a talented new TSF director from Los Angeles.

Our season is rounded out with the musical Two by Two, a fresh retelling of the Biblical story of Noah. By turns inspirational and hilarious, we are lucky to have new TSF director Alan Souza from New York to helm this lyrical treat for the whole family.

Come back and visit the blog often for behind-the-scenes photos, videos and interviews. Thank you for supporting the Texas Shakespeare Festival 2010 season!

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